At the suggestion insistence of a certain family member (Charlene) that I continue my blog, here I am. It is not the first day of my new adventure, but my second.
Being the positive person that I am, I am thankful that the movers were done before two o’clock. AM. It would have been nice if the service elevator was on my end of the building, but it’s not. It is on the opposite end of a very long building. I am also thankful that my makeup it is lost. I’ve always wanted to experiment with going without makeup and I am sure that it is good for my complexion. I am thankful that Ginger decided to run away from home yesterday morning. It tired her out so much that she was not in my way at all today.
Yes, you can almost see me running through the neighborhood behind this little devil bitch, calling her name. If she had fingers, they would have been in her ears while she sang “la la la la la la la” as I was desperately trying to get her attention. She pretended that she couldn’t hear me and continued along her way merrily sniffing every blade of grass, relishing her freedom. Of course, I came within inches of her and she took off like a rocket. Maybe that’s one of the reasons my feet ache so badly.
I supposed I have been spoiled by having a fenced in back yard. It seems that when Ginger goes out to poop that she has to find the perfect blade of grass to grace with the presence of her queenly shit. Also, if she sees another dog, she must immediately assert herself as commander of the universe who gives her permission for another dog to pass by. The bigger the dog – the more uncivil her disposition. She even screws up her face into this horrible grimace. Where is the cute little angel that thought I had?
Today, I decided to take out a huge load of garbage (in a large box) . I put the box on a tablecloth and dragged it downstairs to the parking garage. Then, I took my little handcart to the car to unload the stereo and speakers that is on top of everything else. (Thus, I can move nothing from the car into the condo until I get the stereo unloaded) One of the speakers fell on the top of my foot and sliced me nicely. That’s okay – the bandage matches the one on my ankle where I fell and scraped all the skin off.
Another wonderfully positive thing I learned is that material possessions multiply when you are not looking. If only I could prove it – I knew I should have counted boxes. There will be more tomorrow. Of that I am certain.
The patio set that I got at Walmart wasn’t too difficult to put together. It was certainly easier than listening to a man swear about how those freakin’ Chinese can’t write English. I actually found the directions pretty easy to follow. And to think all these years, men have led me to believe that it was so complicated. It must be some game they play on women. OK, so the screws aren’t all the way in – I have fingernails to protect and tender fingers. Once I put the little rubber cap on them and hammered them on, it was a done deal. No wobble. Hooray for me!
It is dark and time for bed. I am looking out of my glass doors and all I see is lights and their reflection on the water.
There is a certain sound that omnipresent. It is hard to explain, but it is like a kind of energy that is always there. You can always hear an airplane, or cars or boats. It is never quiet. That’s not a good thing or a bad thing – only an impression. I have never lived anywhere where there is a constant noise. Thankfully I have my stereo to listen to before I go to sleep. Of course, it’s not hooked up yet but it doesn’t matter. Sleep will come easily tonight. Fortunately. I found the energy to put clean sheets on the bed. Last night we slept on the comforter under the blanket –no sheets.
Ginger has had a bath and it is time to give her a treat and put my little family to bed. I’ve agreed to meet Lou and Sandy for breakfast at 10:30 tomorrow morning. Now if I can just find some makeup.
Buenos nochas!
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