I guess you’ve figured out by now that I do not know how to spell that damn dog breed’s name. I could look it up but am too lazy. On Saturday, after Cinqo de Mayo, I headed back to El Zocalo for a little “hair of the dog”. The place is owned by a Mexican couple and his name is (can’t spell this either) D

ebed. Not the sofa but de bed! I needed a little “hair of the dog” and ordered a Pacifico, a Mexican beer that’s served with a wedge of lime. After pondering about three seconds, I ordered a shot of tequila. Debed (not de sofa) asked me what kind I wanted and I was totally stumped. He has a whole wall with nothing but bottles of tequila. They range from low (but not rotgut – he won’t serve it) quality to exceptionally high quality “sipping” tequila.
Now the only tequila I know about is Jose Cuervo and Don Julio – which is what I used to buy every time I went to Mexico. If you want to know a little about tequila, go here:
http://www.beerliquors.com/buy/liquors/donjulio.htm. Did you know that tequila can only be manufactured in Mexico and is one of the most pure spirits you can drink? (And all that talk about donkey piss)
I asked for a shot of Don Julio and he said – which kind, silver, anejo or real. (Pronounced RE – AL) I asked how much they were. $10 a shot (a SHOT, mind you) for the silver and anejo and $200 for the real. OK, let’s forget about the real. I settled for the $10 shot. I was teased by the other patrons at the bar because I didn’t swig it in one gulp, like gringos do. Instead, Don Julio is a tequila to be savored, just like Grand Marnier. So I did, to the appreciation of Debed. (Not de sofa). OKOKOKOK – I know it’s getting old, I just think it’s so damn funny.
Anyway, his wife joined me and we chatted for awhile. (They had donated a dinner for two when I was collecting items for the raffle put on by the Community Policing Advisory Board, of which I am the co-chair.) They are really nice people and treat me especially nice.
Then it was off to the chi-wow-wow races for me. What fun that was! The most fun was being surrounded by (mostly) little dogs. A lot of dogs were dressed up in the Mexican style, but lots were not! The lady in this picture was being interviewed by a TV station. There were booths set

up that were selling all kinds of “doggy stuff” – clothes, natural foods, sunglasses, photo albums, basically you name it. One item that caught my eye (that I could kick myself for not buying) was a bandana that the collar actually goes through. TiAmo and Taccia hate bandanas that are tied around their necks.
There was one little dog that I absolutely fell in LOVE with. It was a miniature Pomeranian. I have never seen a little dog with such an attitude. She would bark at other dogs and you could almost hear her saying “this is MY space – get out”. She just loved people but had such a diva like attitude. “I’m the Princess and don’t you forget it!” I wish I had been able to get a picture of her. Adorable she was!!!

The chi-wow-wow races are an absolute hoot! They have 5 or 6 lanes with a person at one end and the owner at the finish line. In some races, none of the dogs will take off. In others, 5 dogs will just sit at the starting gate and one will run. Sometimes the dogs will stop mid-race and pee on one another.
I left the races before they were over and went to El Zocalo for dinner and another shot of tequila. My table was ready as soon as I arrived and (no surprise here) it was the best table in the house. My waiter looked like John Travolta’s little brother and the mariachi band was just great. I ordered chili relleno, which seems to be all I ever order at a Mexican restaurant.
What I neglected to tell you is what a great place the outside patio is at this restaurant. It’s almost overgrown with bougainvillea, roses, vines and beautiful flowers. The floor is brick and there are fans and misters to keep you cool. The tables are wrought iron with linen tablecloths and the service and the food is great! Sometimes they have a cowboy singer who is an absolute HOOT! He tells stories in between songs.
Fortunately I walked to the races and dinner, so I was able to have a couple of gold margaritas (ok – or three or four) and walk home. It was a beautiful night and I didn’t have to work the next day. A great time for me.
This is the kid that I danced with all night. He was cute, funny and very, very young. I think I reminded him of his grandmother. At least I've still got some "sass".

Cutie pie without his glasses for sure.