Loving life, sand and sea! Every day is a new beginning and this is my chronicle. It is primarily for my family and closest friends, but also a sort of "diary" for myself to see where life takes me. It's been a great journey so far and who knows what the future might hold! I am a firm believer in the Laws of Attraction, the power of positive thinking, and that ANYTHING is possible if you believe. I hope that you are enjoying your life as much as I am enjoying mine!
This was the "House of Blues" at some hotel. I think it was something from a movie. "The Blues Brothers" maybe???
Here is the happy couple in front of the House of Blues.
Here is what Las Vegas was starting to look like to me...
Aren't we beautiful??? We FELT beautiful. Mom had on a new dress, top and sweater that she had just bought and I wore a royal blue halter top cocktail dress.
There are no pictures from our dinner this evening because the restaurant was so POSH that we were embarrassed to ask the waiter to take a picture. None of us remembers what we had for dinner that night. All that we remember is that it was sophisticated and luxurious.
We had fabulous seats for "O". The stage was a huge water tank and water nymphs would appear and disappear. At times, the water would appear to become a solid stage for dancers and acrobats. It was the most spectacular show that any of us had ever seen. To try and describe what we saw would do a great injustice to the show. If you want to know more, go to the Cirque du Soleil website: www.cirquedusoleil.com
This is a Christmas tree that is made up entirely of hand blown glass flowers in every color imaginable...
This was the main Christmas tree in the lobby of the Bellagio. It was absolutely HUGE. I can't even guess how high it actually was, but I will bet that it rivaled the tree at Rockefeller Center.
This display of evening purses was in one of the shops somewhere in the Bellagio. We were in such total AWE at the sheer opulence of everything. Even the casino floor could only be described as opulent. It was not noise like the casino at our hotel. I actually considered getting us rooms here in stead of the Rio - American Express gave me the most incredible price you can imagine. BUT... you remember that $36 bar bill??? It would have been double here.
It's now Saturday, I think. Went to the champagne brunch at the hotel. OMG - you simply would NOT believe the food. Not just the quantity, but the variety. Of course, we met at the ibar. (No drinks, just a central place to meet) There wasn't much of a line to get in to the buffet. After being seated, we ordered (what else???) MIMOSAS. Then - off to the chow line. It was just incredible. I swear the whole buffet was about 100 yards long. Every type of cuisine was represented - Mexican, Italian, Oriental - even good old American barbeque, prime rib, chicken, turkey - you name it!!! I had breakfast (Eggs Benedict, fruit, sausage) and don't know what anybody else had. I worked hard to finish what I had put on my plate. I didn't mean to go for dessert, but I couldn't help myself. I'm going to only list those things that interested me. Believe me, there was plenty more!!!
Crepes Suzette
Bananas Foster
Creme Brulee
Chocolate Eclairs
"Make Your Own" Sundae Bar
Pies - of every description
Cakes - of every description
Honestly and truly, I got a small portion of Crepes Suzette, a couple of mini eclairs, a fruit tart, a teeny little piece of carrot cake, a mini service of ice cream.
COME ON FOLKS - I HAVE A SMALL APPETITE!!! And a small stomach. HONESTLY!!! I put away as much as I possibly could.
At least I have painted a picture for you of the bountiful buffet. The rest of the day was spent walking around, groaning and complaining how stuffed we were. A little window shopping, a little gambling, a little napping. I still stuck with the slots. There were TV screens all over the place with advertisements playing almost constantly and seductively. Sensory overload!
The "Masquerade Show in the Sky" was just great. Huge floats hanging from the sky on tracks over the casino. There was a stage show 7 times a day, followed by the float parade. Here are a couple of pictures of the parade in the sky...
It was pretty spectacular. Loud music, beautiful guys and gals. The parade was preceded with clowns, guys on stilts, throwing of beads and general merriment.
After every parade in the sky, there was an area where you could have your picture taken with a Chippendale or a real Las Vegas showgirl. I guess you could say I got a little out of control...
Dinner on Christmas Eve was at the steakhouse at the hotel. It was a quiet affair and the details will remain in Vegas. This evening is best left in the memories of the participants. More soon.
Yes, this is for real. Father, mother, daughter. What were we thinking? "We're in Las Vegas and in Vegas - what happens here, stays here". Not your usual wholesome family picture, but what the heck - we're here to cut up and have fun. Not give a hoot what anyone else thinks!!!
This is the brochure that we got when we arrived at the theater. I had thought that our seats were in the nosebleed section, but as it turned out, we were the fourth row back from the stage. That turned out to be a GOOD thing, as people in the first through the third rows were singled out by the dildo wielding clowns. Yes, you read correctly.
The show was so surreal that I can't even remember the sequence of events. When the show started, it was as though we were transported to another time and place. The "emcee" or "host/hostess" for the evening was a transvestite. Throughout the evening, a dominatrix would stroll the performance, snapping her whip. There was one act where two (seemingly naked) women cavorted in a huge champagne glass filled with water. They were acrobats and performed feats that you can only imagine. There were contortionists, acrobats, dancers, half human and half animal actors - things of only your imagination. There was a centaur, gorgeous women and beautiful men. Something to please everyone. Once the show started, the three of us just sat with our collective mouths open, taking in the sights and sounds.
During the finale portion of the show, the spotlight was focused on members of the audience. There was one couple that had been married for 39 years. The emcee (aka transvestite) asked the guy if he took Viagra. His response was "I have to". It was a hoot. Then, they invited an audience member to come on stage and join the "orgy" and invited the aforementioned couple, but rather than joining the "orgy", they danced. Very classy. It might have been a part of the performance but we'll never know.
I won't go into detail about the guy with the brass penis, or the "wolf woman" (half clothed), but one thing of note is the pure sensuality of the whole experience. Although many of the characters appeared to be totally nude, it was an illusion. Yes, most of the women (and all of the men) were topless, everyone wore skin suits with patches of "hair" sewn on to give the appearance of total nudity.
I can't speak for mom or dad, but I enjoyed it very much. Yes, it was different, erotic, strange and exciting - but that's what I wanted to experience. I can only hope that mom and dad enjoyed it as much as I did. (We don't talk about it - therefore, no embarrassment)
Whew - that's enough for now. Tomorrow (in Vegas) is Christmas Eve day. We're going to spend the day investigating and familiarizing ourselves with our hotel. A lazy day with nothing specific to do!
This picture must have been taken at Antonio's on Thursday night. (Please note dad's blue flannel shirt - you may see it again soon) Friday was a day of "exploring" our hotel. We pretty much "hung out" and just enjoyed being together. The weather was just gorgeous. We toured the grounds and pool area. I hope that I can come back in the summer. The pool has a sandy beach and there are rocky "grottos" with whirlpool spas scattered all over the exterior.
If you are thinking that I enjoyed myself just a little, well you are certainly entitled to your opinion. There were so many shops in the hotel, we had to hit them every day in order to see what they had to offer. And BOY did they have a lot to offer. To wit...
When we got to the MGM (which is where Emeril's is located) we had some time to kill, so we perused some of the shops nearby. It's hard to describe, but there are things found in shops in Las Vegas that aren't found anywhere else you can possibly imagine. I can't even begin to describe the specific items, but we're talking boots, jackets, dresses, blouses, jewelry - all in designs that you would see nowhere else.
Emeril Lagasse's restaurant is simply called "Emeril's". We had made (unnecessary) reservations for 5:00 - NOBODY in Las Vegas eats that early. We had cocktails (natch) and enjoyed our surroundings which were surprisingly sparse. Mom ordered a smoked salmon appetizer which she ended up ordering again as her entree. Dad and I had lobster bisque, which essentially ruined our appetites, but that was OK - it was great. I ordered the smoked salmon roll, wrapped in nori (seaweed) and deep fried. I didn't realize that it was going to be raw in the middle, but it was. I must admit that it was absolutely fabulous.
After dinner, we went to New York New York to see the Cirque du Soleil production "Zumanity". More later. Adults only, please.
After some gambling and rest, we met at the seafood restaurant called “Buzio’s”, located at the Rio. Great seafood as I recall. Can’t remember what I ate. Probably lobster. Or scallops. Or shrimp. Whatever. All I remember is that it was GREAT FOOD! I stayed low carb - except for the alcohol.
I think that that we played the slots for a while. I really wanted to play blackjack, but the cheapest table was $10 a hand. I just wasn't quite ready for the "big girl" games. Quarter slots were about as adventurous as I was willing to get. After all, I had only been in Vegas for two nights!!! There was plenty of time for more gambling. And, yes, there would be more gambling.
That's all for now. I'll post more soon. Hope you enjoyed!
My sister, Corrie, arrived in Arizona on December 9th, 2005. She quit smoking on the 10th and got a job a week later. We spent one evening at the Desert Botanical Gardens annual "Las Noches de las Luminarias" where this picture was taken. She also went with me to a Christmas party at the Irish Cultural Center where we learned Irish folk dancing a/k/a "Irish Squaredancing". I left on December 21st for my Christmas in Vegas (coming later) and returned on the 28th. She took great care of the dogs and we enjoyed our "belated" Christmas on New Year's Eve. It was a nice way to end an old and very exhausting year for both of us.
She picked me up at the airport on the 28th. Here is an account (from my perspective) of what happened that fateful day:
Had a quiet flight, exit row, from Las Vegas to Phoenix. Plane arrived on time. Went to Baggage Claim. Bags came out pretty quick. I had told Corrie to plan on picking me up around 1:30 and I had my bags by 1:10. So…I went to the south side exit, door 6, which seemed to be the quietest side. Decided to call Corrie & let her know where I was, just in case she was early. Here’s how the conversation went from there: Corrie "Hi – where the Hell are you?" Me (Quite proud of myself for being in such a convenient location for curbside pickup) "I’m on the south side of baggage claim at door number 6!" Corrie "What the Hell are you doing there???" Me "I thought it would be the most convenient place to pick me up." Corrie "Well I’m here at the gate that you’re supposed to be at with flowers in my hand waiting for you to come off the plane." Me "Well I’m off the plane and here with my bags." Corrie "Tell me exactly where you are and I’ll be right there." Three minutes later, Corrie shows up with flowers in hand. No problem, all we have to do is catch a bus to the parking garage. Corrie "I know exactly what bus to catch and wrote down exactly where the SUV is parked." Drag two suitcases and computer case to bus waiting area. Wait. Wait. Wait. After 15 minutes, decide to ask someone where to catch “Roadrunner” bus. (All we had seen was“Jackrabbit”) “Catch bus on other side of terminal.” Drag suitcases and computer case to bus waiting area on other side of terminal. Wait. Wait. Finally, here comes “Roadrunner”. Lug suitcases on bus. Run over people’s toes. Ride to parking garage. Lug suitcases from bus to truck. One hour after arrival. Carroll "I’ll drive – you’ve been batting zero so far."
After all of this fiasco, I got a phone call that neccesitated having to work for an
hour before we could even go home.
Upon arriving at the apartment, here were balloons tied with colorful ribbons - "Welcome Home". Under the Christmas tree (a/k/a the fake pre-lit palm tree), were presents wrapped in two shades of pink and decorated with feathers, beads and ribbon.
As previously mentioned, we celebrated Christmas on December 31st and had a wonderful time opening presents of sweaters, jewelry, toiletries, music, books, show tickets (Cirque du Soleil), and other treats and goodies.